Amongst my more annoying habits - and people will tell you I do have a few - is a fascination with words. Etymology, the study of the history and origin of words and phrases is, to me anyway, a source of entertainment, amusement and ... okay, education. It often sidetracks my thought process although that doesn't take much to do these days - witness the lack of blogs.
But I have suddenly sunk into "micro management" and developed a somewhat persistent relationship with the letter "C". It is an important letter to me being the start of so many words relevant to our world today. For example words like Confusion, Corruption, Criminal, Chaos, - all of which are overshadowing better words like Compassion and Caring, but playing very well to one of my favourites (no not that one!!) - cynic!
I have been a cynic pretty much all my life, not believing that people do things for me out of a genuine desire to do so but because there is an ulterior motive. I will be honest, I don't let many people into my inner self because I find it hard to do - and perhaps fear they will take advantage of it or find fault, and let me clarify that this is not nearly as "sad" as it might sound, it is just who I am.
So, as one person I do know well might say after all that ... "the point being?". Simply this ... my cynical distrusting world, where the only point of agreement I have with the present US President is his distaste for the media, is going downhill. He talks about "fake news" or perhaps "alternative news" but there is in reality little news that is truly fake. There is no smoke without fire. But the media do have an uncanny ability to twist stories to suit their headlines rather than providing a full and balanced view of events, global or otherwise. It's not funny - you read an article about something of which you have a lot of knowledge and you note that what is written is correct in parts - but then the other side of the story that would provide context is conveniently omitted, leaving the reader with an impression of dastardly goings on when actually the opposite is true.
But back to my "C" list; I for one am Confused by the lack of leadership in our world that as a result leads to even more confusion. Our in many cases, but not all, elected leaders go through a process of constant mind-changing leaving their audience scratching its heads in a manner of uncertainty. Then I am concerned by what appears to be growing disregard for honesty and the rise of Corruption. The accusations levelled against former and current leaders in countries such as Malaysia and Pakistan, and by the behaviour of certain African leaders - now mostly fallen it is true but who have still not been brought to account. My vision is further clouded by the level of Crime - hate (racism), knife, gun, and not excluding crimes committed in the name of religion - that is becoming a more regular feature of our daily lives. Lives by the way where greed and a desire for dominance have overtaken our more decent traits. It is not pretty, and one can only hope that a wiser generation of young people eventually get tired of these antics and begin to veer back towards tolerance and decency - although I suspect the younger generation is currently just as confused.
But in the Chaos and uncertainty that surrounds us can we really see a way through? In Britain the annual results are out for this year's batch of school leavers. The highest number of top grades (A), being awarded in the last five years. The suggestion is that the pass marks were lowered to ensure that enough pupils got top marks. (Obviously true - I read it in the media!!). But if that is the case, then who is kidding who? And with Britain about to leave the European Union the number of people studying languages appears to be on the decline. It seems to me that someone is not thinking straight - chaotic. For me, Britain leaving Europe (and remember I live in Hong Kong so why should I care?) all just adds to the confusion and ultimately to the chaos. And it is not helped by changing words initially spoken, and sometimes misspoken, by people in authority. Oh, and where the hell did "misspoken" as a word come from anyway - and to save you looking it up, actually it comes from a Middle English word of the 12th century - misspeken!!
My concern with letter "C" words focuses on the negatives. Where is the Compassion and the Caring in our Community today? Well there are some totally amazing people in this world who display and practice such positive traits but they are hugely in the minority. If the luckier ones in this world, and yes I am amongst them, could just go that extra step to demonstrate by our actions rather than merely words that we do care and we do have compassion, the world overall would be in a better place - but we need help to deal with the bullies the corrupt and the criminals. So who, my friends, is brave enough to take on that task? Our leaders - or do they just conjure up visions of yet another word beginning with the letter "C"?!!