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03 June 2019


Helmut Knipp

Hello Eldon,
I am writing to you today to alert you to a possible problem.
In the last 30 days I have written to you twice under the same blog we communicated under before, yet neither post was published.
While I may have done something wrong once in order to post it, I don't think I did it twice.
Now I wonder if your blog is being watched and scrutinized.
Cheers Helmut


interesting story but time will tell that life is like toilet Paper.or like honey .


Great reflection Mr Eldon.

A discussion on Australia should be had (over a cold one [beer] perhaps). Long overdue considering the number of PMs in short years...the huge inequality...enormous debt that is crippling the household...BUT yet, one's two, three, four, or even fifth house suffice the Man (& Lady) downunder!...

...interesting times indeed!

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