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31 December 2016


David Eldon

Thank you Frank, that's a nice note to start the New Year. There is rather a lot surrounding us all at present; blink and we may miss it. A new note out tomorrow.

Frank C

It's the new year and as I was purging old bookmarks on my browser, I noticed the link to this blog. Feeling nostalgic, I clicked on the link hoping to read a couple of your old articles. Obviously pleasantly surprised by your new posts! Welcome back, Mr. Eldon! Look forwarding to reading your take on the things that surround you.

David Eldon

Thank you Jeremy. Given the amount of commentary we receive daily on a variety of issues it is sometimes a challenge to pick out something that is likely to have, or will create, longer term implications that might get missed in the heat of the moment. And we are such a "now" society that patience and the longer term are often overlooked. I will tend to focus on what bothers me for my children and grandchildren, but will also include what interests me - like food and travel!!

jeremy s

Welcome back, David!!!

Glad to see you are back in your usual excellent form, and look forward to many, many, many more years of your distinctive brand of clarity

David Eldon

Thank you. I will give it my best shot.

John D

It is nice that you have reactivated your blog, please persevere.

David Eldon

Thank you June, I appreciate the sentiments and also those from others who have been kind enough to notice and comment.


Happy new year, David. It is very good to have you back.


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