"After Puckoon I swore I would never write another novel. This is it."
Spike Milligan.
I have used this quote once before in a Blog, but it is so appropriate to the situation in which I now find myself I just had to use it again. When I stopped writing this Blog on 31 July 2015 I did so on the basis that I had insufficient time to continue writing regularly, and of course there were some critics out there who thought I was past it anyway. Perhaps the latter is true ... but I am of an age where I don't actually care! What does make me humbled and energised to give it another go are the continued notes I have received from a wide variety of people, some of whom I never knew read the Blog or were even aware of it, that have asked if I would reconsider, and write again.This has become especially true during the last few months, and I have found myself writing longish emails to a variety of people who have asked for a view on this or that.
And on that particular point I must reiterate something I have always maintained, which is I am not an "expert" on anything in particular. Sure I've been around, go to many places, and have an opportunity to meet many different people from all walks and at all levels of life. I guess it gives me a perspective that happily I share and in which some people are interested.
When I stopped writing I was putting in a few more hours on work than perhaps I should have been - depending on who you listened to ... and I had suffered from a powerfully debilitating virus (all now long gone) that had left me a tad drained. And, frankly I was getting fed up with the world.
Fast forward to today and guess what, I am actually doing more than I was doing even back then. I am even more involved in business in the Middle East than I was and in more countries, although for the avoidance of doubt I am still very resident in Hong Kong. I also have increased my involvement with a couple of roles in Hong Kong.
The upshot of all this is that after quite a number of weeks of debate about whether I can/should/want to do this all over again I have decided to give it a go and see what happens. There is, after all, much to concern us all - and it is not just a regional thing, it is global.Where does Asia go from here; remember that Asia, as if you would forget, is just not all about China. Asia is huge, young (in most places) and growing. Europe is not exactly dead yet, but seems to need some serious surgery and one has to question whether the "doctors" are up to it. North America - okay, the USA - is currently an unknown quantity and the world is holding its breath to see what happens next - while Russia and China seem to be making the most of uncertainty - and are a lot stronger than they used to be. Latin America, where I spent a few weeks in the latter part of this year (happily on vacation), has continuing political problems but some bright spots in some of its economies.
But as always it is a matter of perspective. I have always liked the quote from English author George Eliot (1819-1880), when she wrote "It is a narrow mind which cannot look at a subject from various points of view." It is one of the issues particularly I feel of a generation younger than mine that seeks instant news, and takes what it receives as the final word even if it is a view from a few, without it being properly and widely aired. This, of course, is a generalisation but for my part I will continue to try and bring perspective to what I write, even if I do express a personal point of view.
This last year, 2016, in the Chinese Zodiac has been the year of the monkey. And what a mischievous little brute he has turned out to be. I hope that 2017 and the Year of the Rooster will be better.
Happy New Year.
Thank you Frank, that's a nice note to start the New Year. There is rather a lot surrounding us all at present; blink and we may miss it. A new note out tomorrow.
Posted by: David Eldon | 14 January 2017 at 21:24
It's the new year and as I was purging old bookmarks on my browser, I noticed the link to this blog. Feeling nostalgic, I clicked on the link hoping to read a couple of your old articles. Obviously pleasantly surprised by your new posts! Welcome back, Mr. Eldon! Look forwarding to reading your take on the things that surround you.
Posted by: Frank C | 13 January 2017 at 03:10
Thank you Jeremy. Given the amount of commentary we receive daily on a variety of issues it is sometimes a challenge to pick out something that is likely to have, or will create, longer term implications that might get missed in the heat of the moment. And we are such a "now" society that patience and the longer term are often overlooked. I will tend to focus on what bothers me for my children and grandchildren, but will also include what interests me - like food and travel!!
Posted by: David Eldon | 02 January 2017 at 09:45
Welcome back, David!!!
Glad to see you are back in your usual excellent form, and look forward to many, many, many more years of your distinctive brand of clarity
Posted by: jeremy s | 01 January 2017 at 23:04
Thank you. I will give it my best shot.
Posted by: David Eldon | 01 January 2017 at 21:45
It is nice that you have reactivated your blog, please persevere.
Posted by: John D | 01 January 2017 at 21:29
Thank you June, I appreciate the sentiments and also those from others who have been kind enough to notice and comment.
Posted by: David Eldon | 01 January 2017 at 15:25
Happy new year, David. It is very good to have you back.
Posted by: June | 31 December 2016 at 22:42