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08 February 2014


David Eldon

Nothing wrong with establishment figures, grey hair and bags of wisdom, Jeremy - and they should remain in the majority - but unless they have access to sensible information coming out of a technology driven younger entrepreneurial age group, they could get their companies left behind.
As for the cartoons, other than a couple volunteered by one very talented friend, they are acquired under properly paid for licences through a website called Cartoon Stock.


Fresh blood is good, although I am more sympathetic now towards establishment figures then I was during my 20s. Older does often mean wiser, and tenure can mean stability (and fewer transfers of power, that can become very expensive).

A little over 10 years ago, when I was still in university, I could not fathom how so many European countries could still have the monarchy. Now, I am coming to see (most of) them as a reasonably priced option for securing political stability.

On another note, where do you get all these fantastic (and pertinent) illustrations?

I would like to buy the collection!

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