What is it about the Brits and Booze?
I enjoy a drink (of alcohol) as many others do who are so permitted. And seeing as we are into confessions, I have never taken drugs - unless prescribed, nor have I smoked - anything! Which I suppose in today's world makes me a bit of a wimp, but hey, it is my preference and I am happy with it. And I don't have to contend with "peer pressure".
But here we are in the middle of the Olympic games (I am NOT in the UK - yet), and already the headlines are about the masterful, seriously he is, cyclist Mr Wiggins - The British winner of the Tour de France winner and now with his Olympic Gold Medal, and a young man, Peter Wilson, who had a surprising but hard earned Gold medal in trap shooting, both talking about going off and getting drunk. Surely, if they felt the need to say something, why couldn't they just say they were going for a drink to celebrate rather than glorifying what is already a recognised major problem in Britain with young people particularly, and binge drinking?
To follow up on the "misdeeds" of Wiggo, we were then subsequently regaled with a blow by blow commentary in the newspapers of tweets from the man himself as he sank slowly into drunken oblivion! Call me a spoilsport if you like, but look, if people want to get drunk that's their private business not mine, nor frankly should it be anyone else's, but I think the example it sets to others is appalling. It says something about the culture of a country when this behaviour becomes not only front page news, but almost a "badge of honour".
Just had to get that off my chest!