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19 April 2012


David Eldon

My concern was that Bank Management was not listening. Not universally true, of course, but many don't seem to care very much.
As to your recent experience, a degree of healthy cynicism is probably necessary - I've been a cynic all my life, but a future generation growing up amoral? It's already there. Total indifference. I guess like the frog and the duck (http://www.funfluster.com/funny/funny-frogs.html) it is only by not giving up on it that eventually, maybe, the messages will get through. The regulators are not having much practical success on their own,and politicians always change.


David, you said there is not much point in complaining because people won't listen. Who's not listening? Regulators? The public? Bank managements?

To see badly behaved banks and bankers fare just as well, or even better, than the good banks certainly guarantees more moral hazard for societies.

Recently, a friend was invited to speak in front of some of Singapore's best and brightest undergraduates. He invited me along, and the ensuing discussions went from misbehaving banks to misbehaving politicians to Qatar getting the World Cup bid....I am afraid Asia's best and brightest will be growing up cynical and amoral. If that's the case, the small consolation is that they might be too privileged to be hungry and too jaded to be greedy

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