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05 February 2012


Jake Hoyt


I'd like to suggest (if you don't mind), that you consider (if you will) using fewer (but not necessarily totally omitting) parenthetical asides in your (otherwise excellent) comments.


Such a callous self interested vote is surely a disgrace, & it was (possibly) refreshing to see this promptly pointed out in the UN Security Council. (Though little notice was apparently taken of it!) As you mention, one might expect this from the outdated dictatorial Brezneyev/KGB style Autocracy, that Russia remains!(Hopefully, becoming incompetently supine - eventually!!) But sad to see that China has not yet shaken off such an old fashioned, self interested & blinkered approach. Perhaps it is another lesson to learn in how to behave within the international community - hopefully so!(Surely in the attempt to gain international respectability, they cannot really wish to be considered in the same light as Russia?) Although, no doubt there is concern re similar criticism of China's behaviour in Tibet, unless China matures into awareness of Humanitarian responsibility, as you indicate, the shutters will again begin to fall (again). The more this is pointed out by all commentators the better. So, one must certainly
applaudes your comments!

Jake Hoyt

Russia and China believe that the United Nations should not arrogate to itself the authority to decide which governments are legitimate and which are illegitimate. However distasteful this view may be in the case of Syria, they have a valid point.

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