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27 November 2011


John Smythe

The difference between capitalism and communism is that, in capitalism, man exploits man, whereas in communism, it's the other way around.

One mustn't take these politicians too seriously, especially when they're on the campaign trail. After all, they're politicians.


One of the leading Republican candidates is an alumnus and benefactor of the university where I graduated. I recently spoke at length with a friend who had met said candidate in university fundraisers and then got involved in his campaign. I asked my friend how he could back a candidate who is pandering to narrow-minded nationalists and was taken aback by the heated passion of his reply.

Pooling thoughts from that conversation and your post, here's my $0.02

1. Current politics in the US is very polarised. The divide between moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats is already greater than, for example, the divide between UK's Conservatives and Labour. In addition, moderate Republicans have lost control of their party which makes bipartisan collaboration on the big issues next to impossible. .

2. Non-moderates believe in Manifest Destiny - God is firmly on their side. If you ever question that America is the greatest country the world will ever see, then you are an unAmerican traitor who should be deported to North Korea to learn whats what. Non-moderates also suspect Obama and Europe to be closet communists, and universal healthcare and any significant regulatory frameworks as indicative of communist leanings.

3. Non-moderate Republicans may be a (large) minority in the US, but they are numerous and more importantly wilful enough to be capable of leading the country by its nose. Much like how we have seen the tiny minority of Muslim extremists have given Islam a bad name, the 20% or 30% of non-moderate conservatives may end up defining the US.

4. The majority of Americans and Americans in Asia may not agree with Rick Perry, but Asia will miss that nuance. Pauline Hanson was a marginally successful politician, yet inflicted great damage to Australia's reputation with her brand of nationalism during the 1990s. Perry is a longshot for the presidency, but he already is far higher up the political pecking order than Hanson.

5. Beyond the above mentioned insanities, many non-moderate conservatives are actually very generous and friendly people.


I don't think you are anti-American, but, with the greatest respect, you do come over as a China apologist.

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