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27 February 2011


Atlanta Roofing

Makes sense, as demand will increase and Saudi reserves are questionable. They do live on the margin and if they cannot meet demand there will truly be unrest at home by their contented masses on the dole. Therefore, alternative oil plays & Nat Gas make sense.
Keep up the diligent and timely research & editorial observations.

David Eldon

Thanks Greg. I need to point out that these are only my views and that there are others. It is pretty complex all round at present, and I have not covered it all, but I think the general direction is okay from all the conversations I have.
Still outdoors, and in the gym too so, trying hard! Keep biking in your mountains.

Greg Murray

Hi David,

In general I have been very ignorant to why recent events have been happenning in the middle east, your blogs have enlightened me considerably, Thanks.
Hope that you are still finding time to for the outdoor activities,


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