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20 December 2010


Helen Tsui

Dear Mr Eldon,

May be one more prediction for HK - asset bubbles will be continued in 2011 and the government is short of any effective measures to ease the situation?

Just to let you know that I enjoy reading your blog and appreciate your generosity to share personal insights and experience through your postings. Wish you and your family a Happy New Year in England.

Warm regards,

Helen Tsui


Your 'predicted' arrival in England was certainly well timed. Just made it I suspect! White Christmas looks like a certainty! Trying to predict whether you'll get out of England as predicted might be a different matter! Best Wishes for Christmas & New Year to you all.


Mr Eldon..prediction number six is the USD will strengthen against major currencies. Why?..my six sense say so:) have a bless christmas and a healthy 2011 to you and your family....

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