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12 May 2010



In Holland the saying goes the money is made in Rotterdam and spent in Amsterdam..the only time when the rivalry between these 2 cities subsides is when the national soccer team plays...then everyone is Orange..but wonder if this as well the case for England?

David Eldon

If it had been a serious "argument", I am sure the Blog would probably have either never seen the light of day or would have been properly researched! However, we can't be too serious about life (or I can't anyway!) and I was as interested in the views/perceptions of someone without any interests in Britain as anything else.

So, home rule for London then?


You will know fully that the "election colour" map of the UK is more than a little misleading, especially in England. It may the the case that the Tories have a majority in England, this time. Five years ago, and for the last 13 years, the opposite was true. Scotland, Wales and London consistently vote for non conservative parties. So, all your argument proves is that under a first past the post system, however England votes determines the colour of the United Kingdom government. Seems like England holds all the cards here

Perhaps there could be a home rule for London campaign.

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