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26 December 2009


Robert Chesney

I wonder if the word 'Tolerance' is in the lexicon of the Medieval Mullah Mind set - probably a concept difficult for a Bigot to grasp! Although there might be a few around, who could......possibly!!!!!???

Robert Chesney

A wise & thoughtful blog, particularly appropriate at this Season! More Tolerance surely the key to a more civilised world,(demonination of religion etc. irrelevant-aka Ghandhi).More understanding with less hypocrisy, political posturing, grandstanding & pandering to political correctness would be helpful! The course of history,& it's repetitive cycles, sadly suggest pigs might sooner fly! But that is no reason why striving for that goal should not continue, which is why your message is so appropriate!

hans olijve

people like or should to be treated like they treat others..unfortunately this does not apply for quite a few things..especially religion...however you cannot condemn another country for not allowing something if you do not allow the same to happen in your own....

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