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20 August 2009


hans olijve


keep on writing..a joy to read for some and and annoyance for others but that's what writing is all about isn't.



or as the wags put it '...the winter of our discount tents'.

it would have been amusing if not for the fact that i came across it in the context of a discussion on the rise of tent cities in America.

In times when politicians can provide neither confidence nor comfort, one is tempted to catch up on old episodes of 'Yes Minister' and hope that the civil service remains truly in charge!



You may be insane to share with us your thoughts and inspiration. But what is insanity, anyway? Is it when you scream and everyone else whispers, or is it when you fight for what's right, even when everyone else thinks you are wrong?


Mark P

With the change of one word, I think Tennyson as apt as the Bard;

'Forward, the Light Brigade!'

Was there a man dismay'd ?
Not tho' the POLITICIAN knew
Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do & die,
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

A recovery led by what and by whom? The world continues to slide towards an un-affordable population in the west, an un-sustainable population growth in the east and an un-warranted clash of idealogy between the two.

The US has elected a President who sadly for us all seems woefully un-skilled in office, the European Union is about as unified as it ever was, the Great of Britain are no where to be seen and the country rolls on from one Hello magazine controversy to the next - is this really the country that was once led by Palmerston - perhaps Brown should remember what was once said of Sir Robert Peel "Sir Robert Peel was honored at death for sacrificing popular favor and party goodwill to the welfare of the nation." Yet in Britain today we tolerate mignons who rule for their own glory and bugger the country - in all ways if the Corfu leader is let loose!

China, reviled by the West is courted as the champion of the new age and the saviour of their over spending! Beijing listens, knods and then goes back to planning their own one thousand years of prosperity knowing they answer to know one! Wax works indeed your Royal Higness - but rich ones!

A recovery be damned - these are the vain glorious cries of the Generals as they watch their armies fall in foot hills of global economic change that is only just beginning ...

Tim Edgar

Don't listen to the mumblings of such critics! They are probably only jealous that you've found another talent which you seem to be pretty damn good at.
There are those of us who look forward to your blogs and frankly find them far more entertaining, thought-provoking and informative than many of today's professional columnists. Please keep 'em coming.

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