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17 July 2009


David Eldon

I am not sure why I would single out any geographic region when I refer to a "community", and in particular why that might be British when I have had little to do with Britain in over 40 years.

My comments were in relation to announcements made by one or two investment banks suggesting the potential for record bonus pay-outs for the past quarter, and therefore deliberately thumbing their noses at an already irritated public.

I am not against bonus payments for the community, as it is an accepted part of the industry's remuneration but I wonder at the numbers, and I do get concerned about the methodology of pay outs which have led, in my personal view, to short term views related to short term pay-outs.

Bobby Lehman

"Salary is a much different issue from bonuses - and I have a view on the most recent announcements from the investment banking community!"

No doubt you refer to the British investment banking community.


Will the lesson never be learnt, that people with a sense of historical perspective, based on knowledge & experience, are always worth listening to - as history itself shows!


Whether Elton's view is relevant or not, it is up to the judgment of history. To be a real democratic system, everyone's view point should be respected. This is what some of the so called "democratic parties" lacking in.

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