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08 July 2009


Alex Hofford

Hi there,

I’ve got a new blog in Hong Kong. I hope you like it.


Any chance of a link on your site?



Noah Webster


Yes, it is okay to openly accept foreign support against a potential aggressor. The first responsibility of a government is the protection of its citizenry.

Further to your point in the same vein, one would would be hard-pressed to find a sensible individual who would profess seriously that the US' global military posture is the result of "totally altruistic" motives. Of course, it is the US' national interests, as it perceives them, that is foremost in determining its foreign policy.

Fortunately for many countries, not least quite a number of Asian ones, the US perceives supporting it allies with more than just empty rhetoric (did someone just say "European Union"?), and fostering democratic forms of government, respect for human rights, and freedom of navigation of the seas, as being in its national interest.


An interesting & informative inside analysis! Could it be that an appropriately placed 'person' could take note!! Let us hope so!

The possibility of Iranian involvement, particularly alarming! Let us hope that incompetence, rather than ruthless irrational malevolence occurs, should that be the case!

But, as is implied, with 'Mental Meltdown' (such a wonderful phrase), the situation is very unpredictable.

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