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12 March 2009


David Eldon

Thank you for your comments. Sadly I really cannot make this an individual advisory blog. What I will say is that I think there are enough clues to my feelings on HSBC in what I have written in my blog and said publicly.

Oscar hui

i am a normal hsbc stockholder in hong kong.
If you don't mind,i can be one of your fd.Recently, i am so sad because of HSBC.She is my first stock in my life even i am very young(23).i have held it more than 4 years and i am pround of being HSBC holder. i think you have known what was happening now.As a invester, i cannot make up my mind what i am wrong for my investment. Actually, CEO of Hsbc lacks of confidence.In my mind, it is not possible that HSBC is bankrupy.i am sure that. i know you cannot possible to tell me more about HSBC even l love HSBC.

Now, i only want to know that.
(1.) if you were i would you give up to invest HSBC?
(2.) if you were i would you invest more in HSBC?

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