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24 March 2009



I am so sorry to make some mistakes.
David what do you think about China?
I want to know what you think about her.

David Eldon

Just so there is no confusion, in relation to the comment "...please do me a favour, please tell your CEO..." - I retired from HSBC almost 4 years ago - in May 2005. I have no CEO to whom to tell anything!!


David, i have no idea for you mother town. But i am sure you are hongkongese.
"According to the Financial Times, the ranking of HSBC in 1999 was No. 4; in 2009 it was No. 5 but of course the market capitalisation in 1999 was USD93.7bn and USD78.3bn in 2009."
David as you say do not take a snapshot on the view.As i say to other persons, lion bank was "hong-kong-national-bank".(i am so sorry that i am not sure for now.In my mind, lion bank is hong kong National Bank,that is "unreplacable". )If hong kong bank suffers from any diffculty,i sure all hong kong people including you and i will do a stupid thing to help HSBC.The elephant is "too big to fall/dead" even she is taken many arrays.112 billions seems too big. As we seen, no one in hong kong want to sell HSBC stock.(of course, selling stock is a normal part of the market.)Indeed, i am pround to be a stockholder of HSBC. David, please do me a favour, please tell your CEO(紀勤) do not lack confidence of HSBC.(do not comment too much on HSBC in this blog, as it is not convenience.

David Eldon

According to the Financial Times, the ranking of HSBC in 1999 was No. 4; in 2009 it was No. 5 but of course the market capitalisation in 1999 was USD93.7bn and USD78.3bn in 2009. Not a bad performance under the circumstances, and in comparison with others.
In relation to your comment about "sadly for you" - on the contrary I don't find it sad at all. HSBC obviously followed its nose to where the growth and the potential was even at that time - and it is still doing so. Why do you think Hong Kong is my home?

Oscar hui

Can you tell in what is the ranking of HSBC in 1999?
i believe you. In 1888 China had over 25%GPD in the world Gpd. In fact, it might be sadly for you, china was bigger than UK at 1888.Even uk is a factory in the world. Oscar

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