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17 February 2009


hans olijve

Last year i spend 10 months in the Sudan working for a NGO and unfortunately i have seen there the same as what Mugabe has done in Zimbabwe. Fortunately there the ICC is making an effort to indict the president for crimes against humanityin Darfur. If succeding this will the first time a sitting president will be facing a indictment. Not bad but they forgot our socalled friend of the people Mugabe. A shame for the world and in more particular the African leaders to have him still around. But who am I, just a layman, not a politician who always sees the bigger picture.

Robert Chesney

Addendum to my previous comment: in Dante's Hell,(I wonder if there is a Far Eastern equivalent to this interesting Renaissance concept),Mugabe would certainly be at a level well below Gary Glitter(- i.e. merit a much more severe punishment!) Will this happen? Probably not!
As your last blog suggested, trial by media give standards which have been more censorious of the more sensationally news worthy Glitter(- was there ever a more inappropriately named person!). Therefore, it seems, in the public eye, he is the greater pariah. Whereas surely Mugabe's crimes being on a level with the likes of probably Hitler & Stalin, not to say Milosevich & his ilk, merit much greater censure, & certainly action, here & now - long before extra terrestrial karma kicks in ?!!
Surely a significant comment on 21st century internationally media driven values!

Robert Chesney

Hear, Hear!! (A particularly well turned Blog, if I may say!) It really is time somebody POSITIVELY socked it to Mugabe! World 'leaders' & bodies, seem peculiarly averse to do so, inexplicably, in my view! This would be an excellent opportunity!

Mark Brown

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