Why is it, do you think, that those in authority or holding senior positions in newly emerging economies have so little regard for arranging or keeping to appointments?
Heads of companies, potential investors and other ultimate decision makers are usually willing to make long journeys to meet with their counterparts in these economies. They will do so partly as a matter of respect and courtesy, but particularly to indicate how serious they are about entering into relationships which they believe will have long term beneficial implications for both sides. But they soon get put off when they discover how difficult it is to arrange appointments even well in advance, or worse, hear of stories that even if you do get an appointment it is quite likely to be changed (even by days) or you will be asked to see someone else. (Unless, it seems, you are prepared to pay a fee for ensuring the meeting goes ahead - and this I would neither encourage nor condone). Other than being just downright rude, it will serve no useful purpose if potential business is lost in this way. Just because a country is doing well today does not mean it will always do well, and that is when "friends" become really important. Perhaps it's time that "Business Etiquette" was taught not just at the schools but also to Governments.