This will be short, but I believe it is such an important message that it does not bear delaying.
Nobody I know is a supporter of war or terrorism no matter who is involved and the supposed justification, particularly where those wars or terrorist acts seem to be the result of religious differences, real or imagined; with some trying to justify them as being revenge for action that would have been taken 8 centuries ago.
It is true that some of my friends have voted for governments that have become involved. But this is not the time for that sort of soul searching.
I have been sent, by a close and concerned friend, a video clip taken from Al Jazeera television which I consider to be remarkable, and which I want to share. I have no idea how long it will remain available for viewing - hopefully it will be saved. It is a commentary by an Arab American woman, a psychologist called Wafa Sultan. I honestly do not think her feelings are so far removed from many of my Arab friends in the Gulf, in particular, but I have never heard them expressed so forcefully or so publicly. She is a brave person.
I know the identity of one or two regular readers of this weblog, and they may already have received this clip from me separately.
The clip is in Arabic, but has English sub-titles, so if you are not an Arabic speaker, you will need to view this on a video link.
The voices against terrorism are getting louder and stronger. This helps, and so can you.