There was an old saying that went - "Never wrestle with a pig; you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it!"
The Mass Transit Railway Corporation AGM on Thursday was its usual lively affair, with Hong Kong shareholder activist David Webb making his presence known. I have no worries about David; he has genuinely done much to improve governance in Hong Kong but if he is going to open his mouth on every topic, he really needs to do his homework a little better. He questioned my ability to be independent as a non-executive director who was up for re-election, suggesting that because the Government vote would ensure my election how could I act independently; suggesting that I would be swayed by Government directives? Ask around David; read the media - both English and Chinese. My public stance on issues is one that has always been independent. I say what I feel - irrespective of whether people or Government agree with my thoughts or not - it always has been that way; it always will be. Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion - even if it appears to be more of a publicity stunt aimed at "scoring points". I found it pretty insulting, not just because it questioned my integrity, which I have strived for many years to earn, but because I thought Mr. Webb was capable of more original intelligent thought.