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16 June 2007



First time I felt about "Globalisation" was when I and a group of friend went to Pattaya for holiday many years ago, my friend was complaining the new Starsbuck destroyed the beachfront scene!

In my dictionary, Globalisation (applied to economy) was an already confirmed termolgy as I was shopping with the same retailer; drinking coffee in the same coffee cafe; and withdrawing money for more shopping and coffee from the same bank cash machine in different cities! Globalisation is good or bad? The answer is always the "Pros. and Cons.". The most simple example to support the pros. side is Globalisation offers me a sense of familarity, no matter how remote and unknown a place I visit, as far as I see my favoured fashion retailer, I go WoW, "They are here too!" and I would then take the ACTION!
The sense of familiarity can be equivalent to finding your country's embassy in this new visit place. You feel you can talk the same language and relate to these people or thing.
However one of the Cons. is to make people, business or things go out of its own character, personality and uniqueness. This, on the other hand, takes me to appreciate the local bontique, elite type of services and small local shop idea more! Is bigger really better??? I guess the question is always controversial. However, to me, whatever goes too one side, it will lose its balance!

In my opinion, there becomes more room for bontique/elite type of business or services which can differentiate itself from the big boy. If Globalisation is a dominated trend, business practice will then become very dull ,non-creative and subsequently inefficient if only one set of standard to follow! The world is big, our idea is even bigger, I assume we can allow to have both concepts "Globalisation" and "localization", as long as they are applied at the right area in our economy.

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