...so says an advertisement put out by Amcham and the SCMP!
Far be it for me to do their advertising for them - for free - but couldn't this be interpreted to indicate that they believe there is a scarcity of influential women in Hong Kong, and they are appealing for help to find them? I know, I might be taking this to an extreme and it's actually "harmless", but I tested it out on one particular woman I know, who is very professional, very senior and - yes - very influential indeed - and she is appalled. She wants to be judged on her abilities as a person, not given a "pat on the head" just because she happens to be a woman. I understand her friends feel pretty much the same way - but is this not yet another example that "glass ceilings" still feature in our lives? We can have a Businessperson of the Year award, for example, but we need a separate award for women? One day.....