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10 June 2007


David Eldon

I think Macau was a microcosm of what potentially could happen elsewhere in China, gunfire included, although perhaps the cause in the Macau case was rather different from the incidents I mentioned.
As for the income gap disparity, not only can you look at it from the perspective of a widening gap - but also that many previously "no" or "low" income families are now better off than they were... but that is a debate for another time.


The recent unrest in Macau was an evidence to the consequence of a turbo speed economy. The imparity of income has widened affecting many low income families. Both Macau and China were earning a big bulk from their so called "new economy", but where the new money has gone to. The unrest in Macau involved approx. 100 people, but it was so uncontrollable and already required to have a gunfire to dismiss the protesters! Would this drama be able to give us some hints for the consequence of our rapidly growing economy in China?

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